Trying to multitask and sometimes it goes well and sometimes, hmm, nothing happens, it just freezes. A normal day for me starts with a smoothie and a coffee. So far so good. Then I check my emails, and then I log in to the Tarot line. In between Tarot calls I paint, answer reading requests, take care of the management for the artist I am handling in music and record some vocals too. I try to fit in some sports aswell somewhere along with some cooking and washing and yes of course some boring house work. I like multitasking, I like it a lot actually, with Sagittarius Rising and Mars aswell, I guess it is obvious that one is a bit crazy..but sometimes it all just freezes, my Capricorn mind does not follow the enthusiasm of my Sagittarian side and that’s when I feel like a big question mark. What was it that I have to do now again? Oh yes this and that and a whole lot of other things. The importance of planning is yet something for me to learn. Organizing is not my strong side (with plenty of Pisces and Aquarius aspects in my personal horoscope I guess that’s the way it goes…). This unfinished piece of “art” is a symptom of my lack of planning and patience and it stares at me all day, telling me that it want’s to look better. Soon, soon I’m thinking and the day passes by without almost anything accomplished…