Hi again…
The thing is that I am having issues with my emotions towards —. I feel like I am having a crush against my will. The crush is genuin, but it prevents me from starting new relationships. I know I shouldn´t sit around and wait for him, but for the moment I see no other way. Can you guide me through this? I don´t know what to do. In his eyes I am only a dear friend, but I sense something else witin him. Evetrytime we talk I feel a sadness in him. Have to stop myself from crying. What is happening? Help me out….
Hi Susanne,
Very nice to hear from you again. I love to receive orders from my regulars which you now have become.
Well,—, not the easiest of all men indeed and your patience is put to the test. As a Sagittarian it is not easy to have to wait for things as you are “go getters” by nature, always ready to go for what you want. He is Cancer and much more careful and does not go directly for what he wants, the Cancerians walk sideways as they say. They are observing before going after what they want. — is observing you, every move you make actually. It is frustrating and making you feel stuck. You feel stuck partially because he makes you feel that way. You need action in your life to be able to feel alive, this is why I advice you to postpone you and — in to next year. Think about it as something that will happen but not quite yet. This way you will be able to enjoy life here and now. You and —are not done yet but he is much slower in action that you are this is why you will have to put your energy in you and only you right now.
Warmest Wishes/
Questions & Answers
HI.. the last reading got me thinking…
I always knew that — and I have a purpose together, but I never knew what it was. I still don´t.
I would like to know what our purpose is? What is it that´s not done yet?Will we last a lifetime together? At this moment I am afraid and feeling anxious about my move… Is there anything to be afraid of?
Sincerely Susanne
Hi Susanne,
— and you have different qualities that you admire in each other. —is not direct in his way of being where as you like to right to the point. Through — you will learn to wait and learn to think before you act and — will learn from you that it is not good to just sit and daydream, that he should act more upon his emotions. You are in many ways each others opposites and the magnetical energy between you and him is strong. This attraction us usually pleasant but it can also be very frustrating when the timing isn’t right. He is not ready to be drawn towards anyone right now, he is afraid of loosing his personal strength if he does that so he resists. You should not be afraid of taking a step forward in life. Have faith in the future and in the power of your magnetism with —, but as long as — is not ready get drawn back in to your life as a partner you should try and distance yourself from him for a while. Just think of two magnets and what happens when you draw them away from eachother, the tension disappears but in a way it is also very relaxing, for a while. Have faith in positive outcome between you and him in the future.
Best Wishes/
Questions & Answers
Hi there,
Right, so I need some help with my love life.
I’ve been single for several years and is beginning to feel really lonely.
I really long for someone to love, but my heart still belongs to the Aquarian guy , I can’t let go of him.
I met someone else about a month ago who I felt very attracted to, but he never contacted me.
Will I meet someone else anytime soon, and/or when and with who will I start my next relationship with?
Dear ***,
Yes the Aquarian guy is still on your mind, he was special and reached deep in to your soul. You should know that he thinks of you too. He is complicated and too young to settle down. You will fall in love with a man who is more or less the opposite to the Aquarian man. Your new boyfriend will be a fire sign. You will meet him in February 2010. I sense that he is already connected to you through some kind of community, maybe one of your friends knows him, you may find him through the Internet through your friend. Maybe Facebook or a site like Facebook. Investigate and find out. There is no reason to not act, the planets are on your side. You have a strong attraction towards people born in Leo because your Venus and Mars where in Leo when you were born, it will be difficult to resist a person with a lot of Leo in his horoscope, now you just have to find him. A phone call in January will be the first step in to the new…
Best Wishes/
Questions & Answers
Hi Alva
It´s me again.. really think that I can trust — now. He is a very kind hearted person and honest. I will be suspicious for some time. Or what do you see. But now he is thinking If he want or not, because we have fight over small things over the year. But I think that have to do that we don´t know the 5 love. language..Have you read that book?, that we really don´t have talk about our life orderly..What does he choose, us or not? But all decision is not his. If he and I want will he get the feeling back around christmas? linda
Dear Linda,
You will have a new chance to work things out with — during Christmas. As you said there have been a lot of conflicts about small things and this has been heavy on the relationship, but some time apart will solve a lot of your conflicts with each other. He has softened up lately and he wants to try and make it work with you but he is afraid that you and him are going to argue a lot. Both of you are very stubborn and it may be difficult to find a way but it is there. The solution here is to decide that you start something new and let the old be a part of the past. You will see that — will get closer to you if you proceed calmly and with a soft approach. So to answer your question about how top proceed with him I would say that a softer approach is better than a tough one. If you have enough patience and proceed with the attitude to find solutions rahter than problems, he will want to give it another try. Keep a couple of days away from him if you can, and let him contact you, this way he gets a chance to connect with his feelings again.
Good Luck/
Questions & Answers
Hi alva again :)))
Alva i did like u told me , i went to — in — he is born —. It was wery nice to meet him i had a great time there, Now i want to ask what will happend beetween me and him now what dose he feel will we be together who will move to who i live in — he in — …i am born —.
Thank you Alva
He is happy that you spent some time in –. He will come to see you soon in —. You will feel that this is the start of something special. You are alike in many ways, one of them is the fact that you like to plan ahead and this is something that will become more and more apparent as time goes by. This is a person that will give you stability but he may be a bit cautious at start. He is afraid of getting hurt and this is why he will take his time before he feels secure enough to express what he really feels. You will see each other quite a lot during spring and in summer of 2010 I see one of you moving to live with each other. I have to say that it is a bit unclear if it is you or him who is moving but I think that it will probably be him since he will find a business opportunity in —. For him it will not be a problem to move to be with you, his only worry will be to find work so that it will be possible to do so. You will help him with finding work and in May 2010 there are good news coming about an employment.
Best Wishes/
Questions & Answers
Hi again … Can u help me to se i dont know really what to do with my marriage and —- who is born. He wants me to divorce i dont know what to do i dont know if he is true about it ? does he really love me like he says he loves me and my kids??? i am born —.
Thanks Alva hope to get a fast replay from you..
Dear —,
Wish you a happy New Year! Here comes my answer.
He starts to become more and more attached to you which is a good sign but I suggest that you divorce for your own sake as you do no longer find your marriage to be a happy one. — has changed his attitude towards a more pleasant one than what he had a month ago but yet it is important that if you divorce, it will be because your marriage does not work and not because of —. I see you and —- continuing together and that the balance in your relationship will be restored, where he will be the one who will feel insecure about your feelings and not you. You have a strong power of attraction with — where he feels more and more drawn to you every day that passes, this is something he is unaware of and something new for him because he has been quite distant towards love before. It is like you get through that strong wall of self protection that he has built around him and this is only natural that you do so because of your astrological aspects. Follow your inner feeling and trust your choices, you are stronger than you think. This new year will be a good one so you have nothing to worry about.
Best Wishes/
Questions & Answers
Alva ? now 2 days he dosent want to answer his phone and he is not on msn can u see whats going on and i text him and told him that is over between me and him..and can u see aboute me will i get a new work soon Thank you.
Dear —-,
He is doing it on purpose, he want’s to create a reaction through behaving like he does. He wants your attention. You are better off without him since he is not ready to commit in a way that you want to commit. I feel that your love life will anyway change to the better once you let him go. He is waiting for you to run after him now but it is not good for you to do that. You are taking a step in to a new phase right now and I have to say that you have gathered impressively a lot of strength since last time we spoke. You will find a new job in March this year, you will se an add in a newspaper or the Internet. It is a job that has to do with people which is a job that suits you very well.
Good Luck/
Questions & Answers
Hope you are well..
It´s — and—.
Now we are going to wait with the divorse for 3 months to see. But there be any change? Is there something I can say to him to reflect on our relation or something to make him “wake” up. Shall I take the trip with the children and aunt to majorca or rhodes or tunisia or be home in may.
Best wishes —.
Hi —,
Nice to hear from you again! Here comes some more answers.
What I suggest you to do is to distance yourself from him a little bit actually. He has reached a point where he is taking the relationship for granted. He needs to learn that you will not wait for him forever and that what you have is something he needs to fight for. He is not very happy at the moment, he seems tired. He should start to study or find a job that he likes so that he will feel happy about himself again because that is one of the main factors behind his confusion over your relationship. He basically thinks that if he moves on from this relationship, things will change and improve and this is because you have been together for so long that he looks at you like a part of himself in a way. But you are not him and you are in a way more ambitious which he does not see at the moment. I strongly advise you to go on a trip with your children in May. He will wake up at least a little if you ignore him.
Best Wishes/
Questions & Answers
I am confused at the moment.. there has been a lot strange things happenings recently. I have meet someone new, but I have an issue about that. He is a lot like my ex — and I need to know what´s going on. — and I are falling apart even as friends and I have meet — and it didn´t feel good. Felt like Big Brother watching my every move and — acted like he had a heart of stone… Is there something he is hiding from me that I need to know? What is this deal with the new guy? I know this is an important relationship, but what kind of realtionship? Can you help me sort this mess out?
Dear Susanne,
Hope you are well. Here comes some more answers!
The new man you have met is in a way helping you to get some distance to —. — is acting like he does because he cannot handle his feelings towards you and because — is keeping an eye on him and you. The new man you met will bring you new energy and fun, this is good. You should avoid the draining energy of —- and —-, it does not bring anything good at the moment. So focus on this new man who is like a breath of fresh air. You need lots of light and energy right now and new people will inspire you. You are one of those people who can easily get affected by good and bad energy, this is why it is important for you to select your company with care in order to stay balanced and in harmony with yourself. Be prepared to have an interesting spring with new experiences to brighten up your life!
Best Wishes/
Questions & Answers
Hi Alva
what is —thinking now? is anything change for him? if he change his “mind” could we have a good life together or is it better for me with someone else?
Best wishes/
Dear Linda,
— is avoiding to take a decision. He does not know what he wants. He is restless and generally in a bad mood. He is frustrated over his job situation and worried about his economy. He is not so well but mostly this is a result of maybe him being too inactive. You are asking if you will have a good life with — or if it will be better with someone else. I feel strongly that you will have a more fulfilling life with another man. There is something about —- that does not make you feel relaxed, it is your intuition telling you that he may not be the right one for you. Follow your instincts, trust your judgement and your ‘gut’ feeling. You will find harmony together with another man. You could find more happiness with a Scorpio, Cancer, Capricorn, Taurus or Virgo. Imagine your future and take the first step forward. Earth signs give you security and are loyal, water signs will give all the love you need and deserve. Astrologically you and — do fit together but he is a bit too self centered in the long run for you.
Best Wishes/
Questions & Answers
Oh hey again!
My question:
I did meet a man in February like you said. However, he is also an Aquarian (born—), but he seems somewhat more mature than the other Aquarian man I met earlier. I’ve got the impression he is very interested as he’s been sending out some pretty strong & clear signals lately, however sometimes he turns his back on me which makes me confused. Am I wasting my time here, or is he waiting for something/expecting me to do something? What is going on?
Thank you so much!
Best wishes
Dear H,
Nice to hear from you again! Here comes my answer:
He is very interested. This is typical Aquarian behavior when they are interested. He is playing a bit of mind games with you now. Proceed like nothing has happened and act like before. He is afraid that you maybe do not like him if you get to know him better. This is a good man but he has a low self confidence that makes him act this way. I suggest you approach him like a friend, this is usually how relationships start with Aquarians: through friendship. He will be happy to spend more time with you. He is not like other men you have met before and will sometimes act in a way you can’t understand, just relax when he does so, he is just born in a special star sign and they are not always so easy to understand. Keep your poker face when he turns his back on you, do not react because what is sure is that he is secretly observing your reaction. He is trying to get to know all about you without letting you know. Chances are big for romance with him this month. Good luck!
Best Wishes/
Questions & Answers
Dear Alva! I have met the man of my dreams, I think he is the one you previously told me about. He is absolutely wonderful, and we´ve had a few months together as a couple. The problem now, which breaks my heart, is that he is very depressed, nothing in his life is going the right way for the moment regarding his health, economy, house and cars. He has very high demands for himself as a boyfriend and those demands are to hard for him to take right now. He cares to much for me to drag me down into his “dark hole” as he says, and doesn´t know how the future will turn out for us. This is a man who never talks about feelings, I got him to open up and talk to me for hours. He has also been badly hurt by previous girlfriends. His plans for us were having kids and a life together. Please help me to help him! What can I do to make him feel better and to have faith in us? I´ve already told him that I am here, I won´t leave, he told me that he is counting on that. This is the man for me I know it in my heart. Everyday without him is pure pain, seeing him hurt and depressed is even worse.
Love Jessica
Dear Jessica,
Here comes my answer.
Here you have a man who thinks and thinks and thinks! He is very kind and loving and he puts others before himself all the time. He has memories that haunt him, it is about his childhood and he needs help from a professional to be able to truly let go of depressive thoughts. What you can do is to actually not talk about his depression so much unless he wants to talk about it, tell him you are there to listen and help but you”ll let him come to you in case he needs support. What I suggest is to try and activate him instead, do things that you both like and try to lighten up the heaviness in his mind and around him. He has a tendency to get stuck in negative thinking and in this particular case, talking may not be the solution, that makes him even more depressed. He needs to be re-directed instead of getting stuck in a negative mood. You will continue to be together and you will see with time that he is up and down in his moods and that it may not be something to worry about too much. Of course he should try and get some help to find out why he is depressive. He is carrying a lot of guilt inside without any reason, this needs to be cleared out for him to be able to function well in a relationship. Be calm and be warm like you usually are with him and you will see that he will not let go of you and this relationship because he has found love and so have you.
Best Wishes/
Questions & Answers
Hi Alva! I’m a girl who recently turned 20 years old and since Christmas I’ve been going through, and still do, a rough time where everything seems to go against me. In less than a year, I have been dumped by three different guys who let me believe that they had genuine feelings for me, which apparently weren’t true…
These three events have left me broken hearted and devastated, and not to mention confused. All I want to know now is: what has the future in store for me? Will I become the person I want to be?
Best regards,
Dear —,
Here comes my answer.
I get the feeling that a lot of people around you do not have the same genuine intensions regarding love like you do. I strongly feel that this has to do with the fact that you are in many ways more mature than they are. You have always been ahead of your time and very wise regardless of your young age. This is why you may feel very lonely at times and that people seem unresponsive for you. I see that you are going to start to spend more time with a new group of people, it could be a course, a job or some studies that will lead to meeting new people after this summer. In this group of people you will meet a man who is different and who has true feelings for you. I see that he has a lot of earth signs in his horoscope (Taurus, Capricorn or Virgo). Right now your focus should be upon planning ahead regarding your career or studies. Your personal horoscope shows that you will find love and that you will settle down early in live once you find a person with the same goals in love. Avoid people who you already know are making you feel bad. It is time for you to set the record straight with these people by avoiding them and not letting them use your kindness. There are 3 people, two men and a girl who are not sincere, you do not have to be in contact with them anymore if they make you feel bad. Now is the time for new things and new friendships and one of them is going to lead to a sincere relationship. I think that he is 4 or 5 years older than you and he has blond hair and blue eyes, he will be the one who starts to talk to you and I think that it happens around September 2010.
Good luck!
Best Wishes/
Questions & Answers
Hi Alva
It´s me Linda. It has been some time now.
One question. Shall I forgive — for what he has done now? or? Can I trust him anymore?
best wishes Linda
Dear Linda,
Nice to hear from you again, it has been a while like you said.
Here comes my answer. Forgiveness is good that I do believe and I believe that it is best to forgive him because of the simple fact that you are able to do so. Not all people have the strength to forgive and since you and — have a long history together it may be worth it. If you put this part of your life with — in a bigger picture with a broader perspective, you will see that the negative part compared to all the other things you had is very small. Said that, you are wondering if you are able to trust him and there I would have to say that he is still going through a phase where he doesn’t really know what he want’s and what he should do in life. His mood changes from one day to another and you may be a bit cautious before investing all of your time and yourself in this relationship again. Take it slow and show him that good behavior from his part creates a loving and caring ambience and bad behavior makes you take a step back and distance yourself from him. I strongly feel that he needs to learn that you are not going to accept things the way you did before. You will have to play the role of a teacher for a while for him to understand that you are serious about this. One positive thing I see compared to before is that he is more motivated to change now than he was before and that he is no longer depressed. Patience will bring success.
Best Wishes/
Questions & Answers
Hi Alva!
I wrote to you a few weeks ago about what you saw in my future. You told me I would start to hang out with a new group of people, which I have. You also mentioned that being with this group would lead me to a man who is serious about his love for me.
What I am wondering this time is whether I already know this man or if I will meet him later on? You see, there is a man in this group who almost fits the description you gave almost perfectly, and I am sort of interested in him. Now I need your guidance to know if he could be the one you saw (if that’s the case, what can I do to make him mine?) or if you saw someone else.
Best regards,
Hi Molly!
Here comes my answer.
Within this group of people that you now started to hang out with there will be a couple of interesting men that will be different in a way that is good for you. I feel that you found very kind people with goals in life similar to yours. This man you are mentioning is possibly a person that you could have a relationship with and he does like you but I have to say that I am not convinced that it is him who you will get involved in a serious relationship with. Although your personal horoscopes match, I still have to say that I see someone very special for you who you haven’t met yet. Still, I do advise to get to know this man you mention better because he is a kind person and he will introduce you to more people that you will like. Do not rush, love will come and along the way you will make new friends which is something you need. You have let go of the negative energy that was surrounding you before which is good. Be prepared to have a good summer with lots of fun and let love take a little bit of time. The man you will meet and fall in love with has a female friend who you may become good friends with.
Best Wishes/
Questions & Answers
Dear Alva!
June has come, and I´m getting a bit ancious about the man I love. Is he on his way like you said? Do you think we will spend Midsummer- weekend together? (end of June) I miss him so much! Will we still get back together like you said? Is he waiting for me to contact him?
Dear Jessica,
Do not feel anxious about him. He is starting to feel more positive about life. He has been depressed for a while but now I feel a change for him. I see that you will meet him soon and I feel that it could be during Midsummer or a couple of weeks after. I think you should ask him to join you for a coffee or a drink. Send a message to him. I feel that you should proceed slowly to get the best results. He is starting to see things in a more positive way again. There is a place nearby where you and him will meet, it is a place you know quite well. This summer brings change for you and him, I see light and new beginnings. Put your worries aside and see hope. It all takes time but you will get what you want, just believe in it and do not let restlessness and negative thinking stand in you way. A phone call in July makes you happy.
Good Luck!/
Questions & Answers
Hi Alva!
I’m a girl who have been let down by friends too many times. For some reason, people seems to forget me when they plan events and it is always I who have to call them, rarely the other way round. Very few keep what they promise, they say plans changes, but it seems to me like they change every single time I’m involved. It feels like everyone have a best friend who they share every single happy moment with, but I haven’t, I’ve never had one either. I have a few good friends but they already have a best friend. I just feel so lonely and wonder if you could tell me if there is a friend out there for me? Or if you could just tell me anything that could help me understand why everyone seems to abandon me? I’m I doing something wrong? Please help me!
Best regards
Dear M,
Here comes my answer. There are two people who see some kind of competition with you. There is envy and jealousy surrounding you. For these people you are a threat because you are feminine and attractive to the opposite sex. You are not doing anything wrong, it is just that you have not found a person that is confident enough to be your friend. You are not in the right crowd or right surroundings, you need to get some new friends, the people you know are too narrow minded and simple. Think about it and you will realise that you are actually a very nice person to be friends with so this leaves the conclusion that it is not you, it is them that have the problem. You can not change people around you but you can choose your life. Get involved in some new communities through Internet or some hobby of yours, you will find new friendships soon and even a best friend. If you are artistic you should apply for a creative course of some sort to get things going faster.
Good Luck!/
Questions & Answers
Hi Alva
It has been some time. But still my question is the same.
What will happen between me and —-. It has been nice for almost 1,5 months, but now I have done something wrong. How will it end between the 2 of us?
Best Wishes,
Hi Linda!!
Nice to hear from you again. Here comes my answer.
He is a bit dramatic right now. He is partially angry but he is also behaving in a way where he knows that he will get the upper hand. He knows you well and he knows how to make you worried and you worrying about him feeds his need for attention. His birth chart shows that attention is what he longs for but this longing has a tendency to go too far. He will calm down, do not worry. You will need to tell him calmly that this was a mistake and and it wont happen again, after that you should try and let the matter rest without talking too much about it. Try and find things to do that he likes a lot to get him in a better mood. He has a temper that creates more drama than he should so a soothing method is preferable. Anything that reminds him of what made him angry at you will make things worse. Be very calm, kind and patient, this will pass. Be prepared for a week of ups and downs. He gets angry almost as easily as he gets in a better mood so chances are big that he will forget about this sooner than you could have wished for. Remember to stay calm even when he is not. A positive, work related message in near future will get him to focus more upon good things than being mad at you.
Best Wishes/
Questions & Answers
Dear Alva;
I am a bit confused… I started dating a man a few months ago, I like him very much. ( he is born —). But recently I made contact with this guy from my past (he is born —) and there is also still questions regarding the guy that hurt me pretty bad this fall ( he is born —) What do you see in the future for me? Could one of these guys the man for me?
Best Wishes,
Dear Jessica,
The man you are dating now matches you very well. You have an attraction that is special and he is warm in a way that these other two guys are not. I see you together with this new man and I feel that this is a good choice for you. The man born on the — is not a person to invest too much energy in, he does not know what he wants and that will just bring worries. The — guy want’s to have a relationship with you but I advice you to stay with the — guy. I see you together with the — guy as well as you and him living together. He is devoted and will give you more love than the other two guys could give together! This is a good start for a new phase in your love life with a lot of harmony and balance, something that you did not experience in love before. You will start planning ahead together with your new man and he will want to live together with you. He will come with a suggestion later on this year that will take your relationship to the next level.The love he brings is genuine and he knows what he want’s, compared to the other two who couldn’t make up their minds…
Best Wishes/
Questions & Answers
Hi Alva!
I have a long-distance relationship with my boyfriend and I wonder what he feels/thinks about me? is he faithful? I also wonder what the future looks like when it comes to him. Or does another man step into my life later on? If so.. when does this happen?
Hi —-!
It is always nice with new clients, welcome!
— you are a very strong girl. Your life will change a lot during 2011 and 2012. Your love life will be going through the biggest change during that time. Your boyfriend is compatible with you but he is a bit too restless in the long run. Your boyfriend is a flirty person but I cannot see that he would be with other girls. Your future does not seem to be with him. I see another man for you. He is dark, elegant and he has a lot of fire signs in his personal horoscope (fire signs are Leo, Sagittarius and Aries). This man is someone you will meet during 2011. You will meet him at a party of some kind and you will fall in love very fast. You have a friend in common so you may have seen him already before. He has a good education and behaves like a gentle man, this is something you will appreciate a lot. You will marry this man and have children with him. So things will change a lot for you starting next year..!
Best Wishes/
Questions & Answers
Hi Alva
We have tried to find back to eachother now. And we had a nice time this week. But now again he want’s to go separate ways, because of the man I have talked to. I only told him that we spoken 3 times and that the man was a bit interested in me. If I only say that all the time when he asks and no more, (not the truth) will it be ok then? Or will the lie be revealed later on so that he will leave me again? Or is it better to tell the truth now?
Best Wishes,
Hi —-,
Happy to hear that he gave it another try. Here comes my answer. It is a difficult situation, the truth is of course important to tell and will in the long run be the best thing to do but yes, he will not like it and will use that to get more distance from you. If you tell him how things were, you should do it now. He will distance himself and not want a relationship for a while. If you avoid to tell the truth, he may soften up a bit more and finally agree to give it another try. The problem is that he is using the fact that you want him back now in a way to gain control over your relationship and reacts dramatically to keep the upper hand and the feeling of being the one who desides what will happen. I advice you to tell the truth but also point out that he did not want a relationship at the time when it happened. After that you will have to be prepared for a couple of months without him but in the long run you will feel better about yourself since lies are not something that you like. You will anyway give it another try during next year regardless.
Best Wishes/
Questions & Answers
Dear Alva!
I have continued seeing this guy, I feel that he is a bit distant sometimes, maybe afraid of closeness. Can you tell me something more about our future? There is also (still) a few other guys around me, you were right – I´ve felt quite popular these last 6 months… especially one who is born —, what´s with the attraction between us?
Kind regards,
Dear Jessica,
Nice to hear from you again. Here comes my answer.
The guy you are seeing is in a way compatible with you but sometimes you have different ways of expressing yourselves. This difference may cause some tension and it is not at all strange considering your starsigns and the different ways you do things. It might be a problem that will bother you more over time actually and he will need to make an effort in order to keep you interested in him. I see a possible new relationship for you somewhere during this winter. I do not think that it is the — guy though, I see someone else. The — and you are attracted to each other because there’s a mysterious tension between you but it will not lead to a relationship. Your popularity will continue and you will have a very interesting time ahead of you. You have entered a new phase in your life and confidence is something that you have gained through patience and positive thinking. It hasn’t always been easy but things appear very easy and carefree right now, enjoy it!
Best Wishes/