Some of my favourite products at the moment

Dear readers,
Hope you are all well and had a nice week. Today Paris is rainy but it’s ok, yesterday it was 23 degrees and sunny. I know the majority of my readers are women and women usually like to spoil themselves with some beauty products:) Even you men who are reading this might find my posts about beauty products interesting since you could impress your loved one or that special someone with a little gift. Note that this is not some kind of hidden advertising but actually products that I like. I have about three favourite perfumes that I use and I have not found a forth one for years although I never stopped searching. Well finally I found one yesterday and it’s called Mi Fa by Reminiscence. I think that it has a very feminine touch that reminds me of fresh soap and flowers. I would describe it like a soft and suggestive scent and has a super cute design with a pink ribbon and all! Another product that I found was Double Wear, Stay-in-Place Concealer, by Estee Lauder. It’s a light concealer that covers well even though it feels light on the skin. The third product that I adore is this facial scrub called Exfoliance Clarté by Lancome, it’s an old time favourite and makes the skin look and feel so so fresh. Well that’s all for now, have to log in to the Tarot line now, ciao!